The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


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The Introduction & General Care of Bonsai booklet was written to give bonsai beginners a knowledgeable starting point. It covers a variety of key topics including, watering, positioning, pruning, re-potting & styling.  We provide this booklet Free with each bonsai purchase but we thought it might be useful to have a copy here for you too.

Please enjoy having a look at the guide


If you live in a hard water area and cannot collect rain water – 


The Vinegar Trick

  • Rinse out an old 4 pints milk container (or any container that will hold this amount of water)
  • Once rinsed – fill it with your hard tap water.
  • Now add 2 drops of malt vinegar (the kind you put on your fish and chips)
  • Replace the bottle lid and give the container a shake to mix the vinegar into the water.
  • Leave the water to stand for at least 24 hours (can be days and days)
  • When you return to the container you should see a collection of a whitish/grey sediment at the bottom of the bottle – this is the lime.
  • The water above this will be neutral, and can now be used to water your tree.


Check out our Bonsai Doctor page to see a few of the most common Bonsai ailments and how you can remedy them.