The Garden Awakens

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


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Just over a week in to March 2019 and the garden is already waking up from it’s Winter state and its already showing off a variety of flowers and new foliage.

Spring is such an exciting time of year; when the plants begin unfurling new leaves, buds can be seen everywhere and they start to open up to reveal the most amazing blossoms and colours.

The warmer weather we have been having so far this month (compared to last years snow!) has been having an effect and you can see that everything is ahead of last year. This means that the Cherry blossoms are already beginning to display their dangling flower buds and the large leaf Rhododendrons are either sporting their huge flower buds, or already flowering (see pics below).

The Japanese Maples, which are almost everywhere in the garden, are at different stages of leafing up; so some are covered in buds and others are already in leaf. 🍁 

Today when I nipped down for a visit to take some pictures I found myself chatting away to some lovely visitors about the garden and how they were attempting their own Japanese Garden at home.

I was amazed by how far along the plants are already as we are only a week in to March; I suspect that the cherry blossom and the Azaleas will be easier than last year.

Check out the pictures I shot today below –