Staying Closed Throughout June

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


Home » Garden » Staying Closed Throughout June

We are nearly half way through June and many gardens in Cornwall are now reopening after the lockdown. Sadly we will not yet be one of them. There are a few potential issues with reopening which we have not yet been able to find tangible solutions for; or our solutions have led to more problems! We are working very hard to maintain the garden and Bonsai during this time and we are currently building a new pathway from the garden exit to lead back to the shop so that when we do reopen we can implement a one way system for the entry and exit of the garden. The weather has held up the completion of this new route but hopefully the sunshine will be back soon.

We know that many of you are keen to visit and we are so sad that we cannot yet open and see your lovely faces. The safety of our visitors and our staff is of the upmost importance and we will not open until we can be certain that we will not be encouraging the spread of the virus.

I have received many messages from customers asking for our products, so during this time of closure I have been busy building an online shop. I am getting close to being able to launch it and although it won’t offer all our products, it will certainly offer a selection of them. This will be a new venture for us; and we are keen to see how the mail-order service will be received. Keep an eye on our Blog and social media for news of the launch coming very soon!

So now for my visit to the garden this week –

June has brought with it some much needed rain and the garden has loved the increased humidity. Leaves are looking more luscious than ever. The maples have been sensational this spring and now as we move in to the summer months; the colours are changing.

The rain had been coming down all morning and the sky brightened during the afternoon which is when I managed a visit. There is a wonderful smell just after the rain; it reminds me how wonderful nature is.

The azaleas are past their peak now except a couple of late bloomers, but the garden definitely feels all about the acers at the moment. So many colours and leaf shapes!

I am very much looking forward to the sunshine returning and the hot of summer, but for now; the rain is wonderful.

Please enjoy looking at my pictures from my visit –