July Is Here

The Japanese Garden in Cornwall provides an authentic Japanese
garden design in an idyllic Cornish setting. Built as a meditative garden it is the perfect space where one can calm the mind & let go of unwanted stress through contemplation & reflection.


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July is here!

The weather has been pretty beautiful for the last few days; with the sun shining and temperatures getting up high.

Yesterday i got the chance to walk around the garden and soak up some much needed relaxation! The colours are looking glorious; with the Japanese maples now displaying their full summer shades. The summer season brings with it an abundance of growing and plants stretch out as much as they can to soak up the sunlight. This means lots of pruning and shaping for the gardeners but it also brings an energy to the garden that is special to this season. The feeling of summer is one of joy, and when the sun is shining it is hard to not smile.

During my little walk around yesterday, i felt a sense of calm wash over me as i listened to the waterfall and watched the Koi swimming in the pond. The intense sunshine has given rise to an algae bloom in the pond; but this is a yearly occurrence and the fish seem to love the extra food!

I was amazed to see some of our azaleas STILL flowering; as this is late in the season, even for our late bloomers. The pink flowers are pickling a couple of bushes even now and the green foliage is merged with reds, pinks and orange tones of the acer leaves.

Stu and I would like to thank everyone who has visited us recently and given us such wonderful feedback from the garden! It has been lovely to hear and it makes all the hard work worthwhile to see so many people touched by this place