Summer is here and the warm and sun are too!
Its been a fantastic start to July here at the garden with so many wonderful people coming to visit.
The response from people has been fantastic and it has been such a joy to hear how much people have been enjoying the garden (it makes all our hard work so worthwhile 💕)
This weekend I had a chance to take a relaxed walk around the garden and I was so pleased to see such a mixture of plants and colour; there are a couple of pink azaleas now in bloom – offering a stunning pop of fuchsia pink to the landscape of greens and reds. I also found the Arum Lillies blossoming their hearts out near one of our fallen Oaks; giving the garden a flash of white.
Summer is such an exciting time of year and there is a buzz about the garden and a feeling of live energy is everywhere as everything is growing and wildlife is abundant.
The Koi Carp have been active this week; swimming around the pond and sunbathing. I even spotted 12 baby Koi! Which are now brave enough to swim freely (I suspect they were babies born 2 years ago judging by their size). All the new life makes the garden feel charged with positive energy and visitors seem to be feeling this too 😊
Please enjoy a few pictures shot yesterday –