New Bonsai arrive in a variety of species and sizes!
We have been eagerly awaiting our tree delivery for weeks and weeks and it has finally arrived!
It is another unusual year for us (as for most I think), we have had challenges with getting some of our stock (especially our trees) although the shop is now fully stocked with gifts, bonsai pots and chimes and now our wonderful new Bonsai trees.
We have several beautiful species now filling our Indoor house including:
- Chinese Sweet Plum
- Brush Cherry
- Buxus
- Ficus
- Serissa
- Podocarpus
- Chinese Elm
Please have a look at our Bonsai page to have a read about the specifics of these varieties and see which you might like.
Unfortunately these are only available in our shop and won’t be on our online shop for now.
Thank you