Less than a month left to visit before the garden and shop close for the 2023 season! Last day open to the public 15th November 2023.
Times are changing and we have to adapt as things evolve – last year we trialed closing later in the year than usual, usually closing at the end of October (halloween always being our last day open until last year). We found that some years the peak of autumn colour was at its best sometimes just after we closed to the public and felt that we would try staying open an extra 2 weeks (until November 15th) to give our garden lovers that extra time to visit and hopefully not miss the best show of the Japanese maples.
It was a success and feedback was wonderful so we are doing the same again this year – staying open until November 15th.
This winter we will be fully renovating the koi pond which will be a massive job that will require removal of some plants around the pond edge, the rocks and stones around the pond, the waterfall, the bridge and all the fish must be removed to a purpose build home whilst the work is being done too! Its an epic project but we are hoping it will all go to plan.
Yesterday I walked the garden in the fierce wind with my winter coat held firming around me. The clouds were covering the sky but there wasn’t any rain during my walk.
The garden has that classic autumn look now with leaves falling with every gust of wind and littering the pathways. There is a messiness to autumn that no other season has and I love it.
Autumn feels like the right time of year to slow down, take stock, let go of unwanted thoughts and stresses and focus on gratitude.
Easier said than done of course but I always feel this at this time of year. The leaves are transforming; colours, textures and shapes all change before each leaf drops from its branch.
I personally always find autumn to be very nostalgic. The very nature of change makes us appreciate what it was like before – the warm summer sunshine, now gone and replaced with much cooler temperatures. The change gives us a chance to appreciate the plants and trees that change so much in each season throughout the year.
Today I found myself smiling as I could see many flower buds appearing on various plants in the garden. The pink dwarf azalea near the entrance is already opening a few blooms!
With less than a month left before we close our gates for the 2023 season I cannot wait to see the garden transform to its full autumn colour pallet – I suspect another 2-3 weeks will be when it reaches its peak but watch this space as I will make sure I update the blog regularly so no-one misses their fave maples.
Check out the photos captured during my visit yesterday – pictured below –